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Klassische Langhe

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Langa Doc Dolcetto, Langa Doc Barbera und Langa Doc Nebbiolo
What you will discover

Unsere Herangehensweise an die klassische Langa ist eine Reise in die Weinbautradition unseres Landes, wo Sie Dolcetto treffen, die Rebe, die historisch gesehen der Protagonist des piemontesischen Bauernlebens war; Barbera, die unter allen Rebsorten die größte Verbreitung auf italienischem Gebiet aufweist; und die Rebe, die als eine der edelsten der Welt gilt, Nebbiolo.

€ 15,00 ro Teilnehmer
1 stunde
Days and times
  • Freitag um 15.00 Uhr im Unterrichtsraum

  • Samstag um 15.00 Uhr im Unterrichtsraum

  • Sonntag um 15.00 Uhr im Unterrichtsraum

  • Im Sommer und bei schönem Wetter im Außenbereich am Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag um 11.00, 12.15, 14.00, 15.30, 17.00, 18.30 und 20.00 Uhr.

  • bis zu 8 Personen im “Erfahrungsraum”

  • bis zu 4 Personen im  in der Aula “Cru”

  • bis zu 6 Personen im Außenbereich

The classrooms

The Teaching Room , which can accommodate a maximum of 8 contemporary participants, is designed to guarantee the best possible tasting experience led by a tasting professional: each participant sits at an individual table, the arrangement of the tables guarantees the correct distance and the best possible lighting.

The Aula Cru can accommodate up to 4 people and is housed in the vault that houses the treasure of Serralunga: seated around the oval table, the participants live the tasting experience surrounded by the most prestigious labels and immersed in the philosophy of the Serralunga Casa project. My.

Headquarters and contacts


SP125, 12050, Serralunga d'Alba, Serralunga D'alba CN, Italy

Booking regulations
  • Due to the constantly changing health situation, it is possible to book now, but only for dates after 01/03/2021.
    The dates of the reservations may be subject to variations in the event that the regulations in force at the time of booking make it necessary.

  • Reservations will open 30 days before the session begins. Exceptionally, due to the previous point, it is currently possible to book 180 days in advance.

  • Reservations will close 1 day before the session starts.

  • It is possible to book for more than one person at the same time (within the limits of the room's residual capacity on the day / time of the request), by specifying in the "message" field the name of the people for whom you are booking.

  • It is possible to select the language in which you would like to have the experience

  • Payment is made exclusively online, by credit card.

  • Cancellation Policy: To cancel and / or reschedule an experience, a minimum notice of one day is required

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