Getting to know wine is a passionate journey that proceeds slowly, vine after vine, glass after glass, passing through the various production areas and their producers. The Wine Experiences are proposals for itineraries designed for different levels ...
The culture of the Langhe tradition passes through typical products, simple dishes or almost forgotten combinations. Thanks to the found grandmother Lucia's cooking notes, Luigi conducted a passionate research rediscovering ancient flavors ...
Imagine a place where you enter to taste a local wine but which is not a wine bar, where you can sit down to have a snack with bread and salami but it is not a restaurant… a place where you can walk among the vineyards and learn how to prune ...
The glass of wine we taste is the result of a long, patient and sometimes tiring work in the vineyard.
The vine needs care throughout the year, amid apprehension and uncertainties dictated by factors that we cannot control ...